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  • Lonesome Dove Cowboy Church
  • Lonesome Dove Cowboy Church



A Place of Connection, Brokenness, and Blessing

   The dining table has always been a symbol of many things: the place where we nourish ourselves, where we come together, celebrate important milestones, share experiences, and create new understandings. Not for nothing, it is a place often associated with God’s grace and goodness. 


   To take up a place at a table is to occupy sacred space and to share this space with other people reminds us that there’s more to food than fuel. We don’t eat only for sustenance. On that day when all that is wrong is made right and all that is broken is made whole, there’s going to be one extravagant meal.


   Tables are one of the most important places of human connection. We are often most fully alive to life when sharing a meal around a table. Countless moments are often shared with family and friends. Stories are told. Sins confessed. We laugh together and cry together. Together we remembered where we’ve been, and we dream together of where, one day, we might go. We pray at the table and there we experienced God’s nearness, God’s kindness, and God’s love.


   The table is an icon found throughout the Bible, it is the center of the spiritual lives of God’s people both in the Old and New Testaments and is one of the most important places of human connection. We’re often most fully alive to life when sharing a meal around a table. 


   I am convinced that one of the most important spiritual disciplines for us to recover in the kind of world in which we live, is the discipline of table fellowship. In the fast-paced, tech-saturated, attention-deficit-disordered culture in which we find ourselves, Christians need to recover the art of a slow meal around a table with people we care about. “Table fellowship” doesn’t often make the list of the classical spiritual disciplines. But in the midst of a world that increasingly seems to have lost its way with regard to matters of both food and the soul, Christian spirituality has something important to say about the way that sharing tables nourishes us both physically and spiritually. We need a recovery of the spiritual significance of what we eat, where we eat, and with whom we eat. - Quoted by Barry D. Jones





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